Tuesday, September 19, 2017

EMU The 2017 Alumni Business Conference

The session I went to is called "Developing Resiliency and other Valuable Characteristics" by Richard Tworek, CEO, Twoerk, LLC - How to introduce innovation and deliver in large and small organizations, handling detractors, what to do at "no" and survive.

Richard shared many his previous experiences with the audience and most of his experiences deserve me thinking deeper and further, especially for my own career path.

  • The hardest moment for an entrepreneur is to accept that the door of his or her business is closed.
  • Considering about pricing, it's more like an art than science.
  •  There will always be competitors in your business, how to compete? Compete with the Price or Value? (It reminds me of Hamlet: To be or not to be, it's a question?😎)
  • When you start the entrepreneur journey with 3-month credit cards debt, it's time for you to make a decision: whether to sell or find a job? 
  • You can be so passionate about your products introducing them to your customers, but do you really ask the customers at the beginning: what do you need? If you cannot meet the customers' needs, how can you make it happen?
In the end, Richard also gave me a valuable piece of advice for my future career path, which has been in my mind since January 2017.

As time goes by, as I try something new, learn something new, make new friends,  I stopped hesitating about my life path. If  I was all alone in the cross with various directions to the different futures, now I accept valuable suggestions to guide me to the right one and it's time for me to start a brand new journey, be brave and fearless.