Thursday, December 7, 2017

Page Load time by seconds by different pages

If you would like to see  

Page Load time by seconds by different pages from both front user and backend system data report through Google Analytics

Follow this to create the custom report:

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to track Ecommerce in Google Analytics

I've been working on E-commerce tracking today.

(1)  I did all the settings in Google Analytics
Enable Ecommerce for a view
  1. Sign in with Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin, and navigate to the view you want.
  3. In the VIEW column, click Ecommerce Settings.
  4. Set Enable Ecommerce to ON.
  5. Optional: Set Enable Related Products to ON.
  6. Click Next step.
  7. Click Submit.        

(2) I followed this instruction to set up the Enhanced E-commerce

(3) I received a message from Analytics:
your website is configured for E-commerce, but no recent transaction data is being received. Your site may not be tagged for E-commerce.

(4) I tried to follow

to find the solution

(5) I tried to

Insert Ecommerce Tracking Code

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga('create', '
UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto', 'clientTracker');

ga('send', 'pageview');
ga('clientTracker.send', 'pageview');
ga('require', 'ec');

(6) Shova, the programmer, is inserting the sample code now, we'll see if it's gonna work or not.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Work diary 11/29/2017 - all the click buttons traffic report

After Thanksgiving, my manager Josh said I would like to see all the click buttons traffic report on our websites through Google Analytics, for example, images click button, drop-down box click button, keyword search button, products button, anything you can click as a customer and please show me the data from July to now.

All the click buttons traffic report in Google Analytics belongs to Event Tracking. In the past three days, I cannot even remember how many times I messed around with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager (GTM) and data studio. One problem is that I still haven't had the access to the backend to change the code (that might be easier at some point).  

At the beginning, everything went smoothly until I tried to get the images click traffic on the home page. I didn't understand why I could only get the percentage of the whole images click on the main page, but Josh would like to see the percentage of each image click. Then I started to search the tags, triggers in GTM to find the location of the images, then I realized the previous Google Analytics Expert working for this company, he combined all the images together in one folder. And that's the reason the report will only show the percentage of the whole images.

What should I do?? Separate them, one by one, into different tags following the style of the previous employee without breaking the whole design. And it took me a while to figure out the previous employee's settings' style😤

Cannot really remember how many times I tried in the past three days because I was non stop trying through data studio, but data studio cannot really show me all the buttons, only show me several important buttons report.

Then I tried to create custom reports through Google Analytics, of course, Event Tracking,  and then it showed me around 720 buttons, website links report, everything in details, and then I saw each image's URL and their percentage. That means I finally could check the data of each image. 

Josh is quite happy to see over 700 buttons data report and God bless me I didn't give up.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

My delusional dream

I showed this cover to my best friend "what do you think of this cover?" 
She said, "they become wealthy through technology". 
"And what else?" I asked her. 
She answered, "they change our lifestyle". 
And what else?

I said "have you noticed the title The founding fathers of Silicon Valley? One day, I will become one of the founding mothers of Silicon Valley. I let you know my delusional dream and I'm slowly on my way. If I could have this mindset while being a cashier while cleaning the toilet at a grocery store, you cannot predict where I will be in the next 10 years."

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

EMU The 2017 Alumni Business Conference

The session I went to is called "Developing Resiliency and other Valuable Characteristics" by Richard Tworek, CEO, Twoerk, LLC - How to introduce innovation and deliver in large and small organizations, handling detractors, what to do at "no" and survive.

Richard shared many his previous experiences with the audience and most of his experiences deserve me thinking deeper and further, especially for my own career path.

  • The hardest moment for an entrepreneur is to accept that the door of his or her business is closed.
  • Considering about pricing, it's more like an art than science.
  •  There will always be competitors in your business, how to compete? Compete with the Price or Value? (It reminds me of Hamlet: To be or not to be, it's a question?😎)
  • When you start the entrepreneur journey with 3-month credit cards debt, it's time for you to make a decision: whether to sell or find a job? 
  • You can be so passionate about your products introducing them to your customers, but do you really ask the customers at the beginning: what do you need? If you cannot meet the customers' needs, how can you make it happen?
In the end, Richard also gave me a valuable piece of advice for my future career path, which has been in my mind since January 2017.

As time goes by, as I try something new, learn something new, make new friends,  I stopped hesitating about my life path. If  I was all alone in the cross with various directions to the different futures, now I accept valuable suggestions to guide me to the right one and it's time for me to start a brand new journey, be brave and fearless.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Detroit Women in Digital August Meet Up

I went to Detroit Women in Digital and it was my pleasure to have a chance to talk to Sally Medina who is the Automotive Account Executive at Amazon. She shared her experience in interviewing with Amazon and shared some insider tips on resumes, recruitment which I wrote them down as important notes:
  • always 1-page resume although you have more than 10-year working experiences
  • ask people what they do every day about the jobs you're interested in instead of only checking their online job descriptions
  • no picture on your resume, please
  • immediate email or a hand-written thank you card is always welcomed
  • references are important
  • You can never be over-educated or over-dressed (my favorite💓) 
  • Please give your questions back to the company you're interested in        
After her lecture, I had a chance to talk to her. I asked her a question which has been on my mind for a while "Is Amazon trying to purchase the whole world??" Sally couldn't stop laughing about this question, she said: "you know, as an employee at Amazon, we don't even know what happened until we read the news or heard the news from our families, there's no announcement from Amazon officially."

And then she shared her tips about how to balance her career and family. She told me that she had to work insanely to prove herself in Digital Marketing Area and I could totally understand her feelings since women are still struggling in a world that men rule.

I was also lucky enough to talk to Stephanie Glied - Director, Analytics at Huge. We had a really fun time talking about how Analytics run in the real auto industry and she said the comments were really funny. She couldn't stop laughing about the comments from Analytics.

When I arrived home, I received an email that Google decided not to proceed with my application at this time. Instead of feeling upset, I realize that there's a long way for me to go in the digital marketing area. And I will learn from Sally Medina to work insanely from now trying to make myself more qualified.

BTW, the weather is getting cooler and I feel really comfortable waiting for fall to come while stepping on the fallen leaves listening to the sound I step on them 💖.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Seventh Day-WordPress Anti-spam for Form submission

Although summer internship requires 16 blogs in total, I feel like sharing a lot what happened to me every day and what I've been learned so far. So I decide to keep blogging until the last day.

Today, I had a chance to meet the head of the engineering department, Ken, since he only needs to show up in the office once a month. He asked me how I feel so far with this new environment. I said I have learned much more than what I've learned in the past 2 years and I indeed love the working environment with all the co-workers. Everyone is so dedicated to working.

Usually, the first thing I come to the office is to make black coffee, Ken asked Ben, since when there's coffee offered in the office. Ben said from the moment Shuting started to work here. I said, go ahead Ken, have some coffee to start a brand new day.

Ben asked me what I would like to do today. I replied the 1st task on your working schedule. And he said that's a great question and double check what to do next. But I feel that he noticed that I am very tired after moving to a new house by myself  😓 this Monday so he only asked me to do some research work.

I pretty much just searched articles for WordPress Anti-Spam for form submission.

There're three parts for this task:

(1) Methods of Implementations
(2) Links to the articles
(3) Benefits

Tomorrow is another day, everybody!!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Sixteenth Day-Low Bounce Rate Problem Finally Solved!!!!

Low Bounce Rate problem has been a topic since the moment I started my summer internship. I remembered that when I came up with this topic at the weekly meeting, Bud shared his opinion with all the interns.

Last week, Ben and I tried to solve this problem since he's been working on it for a month. I searched the potential reasons for Ben and we believe "tracking code twice in Google Tag Manager" is the one.

Ben told me today that he solved the problem and we greeted with a high five. And the bounce rate is much higher than before.

(note: for 7 days)

Ben said he wished the low bounce rate is the truth. I said but I preferred the real data. At the beginning, it's not that easy for us to accept the real statistics, for example, when I weigh myself every morning, sometimes I could barely accept the number I see from the electric weight scale, and the good thing is that I realize I need to stop eating that much and go back to the gym. Usually, people choose to ignore the statistics they receive, but as a data nerd, I prefer to use statistics to non- stop improving myself and keep myself more self-disciplined.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Fifteenth day-Google Tag Manager-Low Bounce Rate Solution???

My manager asked me seriously when I showed up this morning, "Do you remember you mentioned the 0% bounce rate at your second weekly meeting? And Bud said there might be something wrong with our system so I started to check our company's whole system since then. We might find the solution to this problem, it's about the Google Tag manager".

Wow, I believe he took my feedback seriously and has been working on to solve this problem for a month.

My manager said at first he considered that it might be the Google Plug-in configuration problem, for example, he inserted the codes twice, which would cause low bounce rate. Then he disabled this function but the bounce rate has still been very low.

He said just to let you know I'm not that familiar with Google Tag Manager and I said please don't worry, the percentage of me getting familiar with Google Tag Manager is negative.

Then, we started our journey trying to figure out:

First, go to Google Tag Manager:
sign in tag manager
container's name
live Version
Version Summary

 Then, go to Google Analytics:
Event Category
 Then, go back to Google Tag Manager:
Download Event Tracking

And then, go back to Google Analytics:
Top Events
Event: action

And then again (I know😅), go back to Google Tag Manager:
PDF Download trigger

(Note: Google considers "Click" the PDF counting as "Download" the PDF)

I'm keeping searching for the possible issues to the low bounce rate and Ben said this might be a long-term project.

(Btw: this pale pink color is my favorite recently, I know everyone is having a really exhausting week this week, but still a good week, isn't it??)

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thirteenth Day-Google Search Console and Page Ranking Tracker

Since I passed Google Adwords, Ben said let's do something about ads today.
So we use Google Search Console to track the page ranking for IndustryStar.

The steps are as below:

➜ by property health
➜Search Analytics
➜Sort by impressions

I'm curious about one thing actually, there's no 🔍button in Google Search Console
just have a look at the rows

Which means I need to check the items one by one to find the specific page ranking.

If I were the designer of Google Search Console, I would add the basic 🔍button to help the clients save their time and energy, just delusion~~~ (a new word I learned from Griffin at yesterday's weekly meeting😁)

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Eleventh Day-Categories Page

The Categories Page is supposed to be the same style as "Archives Page" I created last week, but slightly different.

(1) I used FileZilla to transfer the Categories Page Template in case I can do some editing to the core file through WordPress.

(2) PHP template categories

(3) how to query categories through WordPress:

I've tried many codes and showed errors many times. 
When I felt upset, the co-worker Charles said "we always try so many times and fix the errors all the time, just keep trying" 

Finally, with the help from Ben, this magic code


And we made it. 

(4) Sidebar.php: we created a link to the categories page and here’s the new look of IndustryStar Website


I’m really happy about this so I don’t need to think about this task for the rest of this week. Happy weekends, everybody!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tenth Day-MailChimp Overview and Google Webmaster Tools AKA Search Console

After the 10-page handwriting midterm exam last night, I'm really happy to arrive at IndustryStar today, just feeling a little bit sleepy. So the first thing I arrived was to make dark black coffee, my favorite.

Ben trained Samantha and me in two sections today:
(1) MailChimp Overview
(2) Google Webmaster Tools AKA Search Console

For MailChimp:
First, Ben gave Samantha and me a document called "MailChimp Definitions of terms", which is really considerate of him. He gave us an overview of all the functions step by step in details, in my opinion, the style is much better than the university professors' reading slides style.
Below are the brief notes I took:

Delivered → print
                 → show report options

For Google Webmaster Tools
  •  Search Traffic → Search Analytics
                         → Clicks, Impressions, CTR, Position
                         → Queries
  •  Medium: a very good resource to post my blog
  • Google Index → Index Status
  •  Crawl→ errors: link this to Google Analytics
  •           → Site Map: useful for users and page admins
  • Search Appearance → Data highlighter
                                          → Blog Posts

During the break, I told Ben yesterday when I took the midterm exam, I just thought about the "open-book management" you told me since the first day we met. Open book management means the manager allows the employees to participate, and to me, I'm grateful that I've been trusted during the whole internship so far.
Been sleepy the whole day, but tomorrow is another day

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Ninth Day- Continued Archives Page

When I started the Archive Page link, Ben would like non-stop challenging me about the design of  CSS style with his hand drawn a sketch. And when he gave me this instruction, I realized that I needed to change the code from the website, which is totally different from graphic design, feels like "one small step on the moon" 😆👍
I indeed made some changes today representing some progress and below is how it looks now:

When I showed the second picture to him, he said:"Wow, you're a witch, almost make my design happen". But the problem is Ben and me couldn't find the core code to make it eventually work. Ben said it just took time until we could find the exact page which showed that mysterious code.

Right before I planned to post this blog, Ben said he finally found this specific code in the core file. But we still could not do changes, because currently we're using WordPress Version 4.8 and soon it will be updated to Version 4.9. Since this code belongs to the core file, no matter how many changes we try to make, those changes will be deleted automatically in Version 4.9.

But we're still happy with the progress so far. Just be patient to wait until Version 4.9 comes out and then we are able to make real changes to our website in the case to fulfill Ben's dream design.😎👌

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sixth Day-Archives Page for Blogs

This week, my task was to create an Archives page for all of IndustryStar blog posts, and place a link to the Archives page on the sidebar.

Currently, the sidebar on the Blog page and on all of the blog posts has an Archives block that lists all of the months that IndustryStar have published blog posts. My manager would like this to be on a separate page and then replace the Archives section on the blog page with a simple link, labeled “Archives”, that takes users to the new Archives page.

I worked on this project through WordPress:

To add a page, click the Pages tab of the admin menu (on the left side of the browser). To edit the necessary files, hover over the Appearance tab of the admin menu, and when the dropdown menu opens, click Editor. This will take you to the section where you can edit the website’s main files.
And below is what it looks like now:

When you click “Archives” button, it will take you to a new page